Eye Matter is delighted to introduce you to our collaborators and partners and how to get in touch with them easily if you wish.
VocalEyes is a national charity which brings the arts to life for blind and visually impaired people through audio description. We provide and promote access at arts at theatres, museums, galleries and heritage sites including both live and digital work. VocalEyes publishes a quarterly What’s On listings guide in clear print, braille and an audio version on a reusable USB drive. Subscribers also receive regular email updates with new and information to find out what’s audio-described around the UK.
Visit our website at https://www.VocalEyes.co.uk
Get upcoming audio-described performances and events delivered to your inbox.
Contact us at enquiries@vocaleyes.co.uk or phone 020 7375 1043
Our social media links:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VocalEyesAD/
Twitter https://twitter.com/vocaleyesad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vocaleyesaudiodescription/
Beyond Sight Loss
Beyond sight loss are a peer support group here for Blind and partially sighted people living in or near the borough of Tower Hamlets.
Beyond sight loss aspirations are to continue to grow and we certainly can grow stronger with your help and input. We meet monthly to update members on local and national developments – by inviting guest speakers in person or over zoom and to provide an opportunity for social interactions. We also arrange a variety of monthly outings activities, meals out, theatre trips, visits to places of interests such as Kew gardens, exploring the river Thames as well as annual seaside outings. If you would like to know more about what we do, know anyone who could benefit from what we provide or would like to become a member or volunteer, please contact us.
Email: info@beyondsigtloss.org.uk
Living Well with Sight Loss courses | RNIB
RNIB, the Royal National Institute of Blind People is the UK’s leading sight loss charity.
Baluji Music Foundation
Our links are https://www.balujimusicfoundation.org
Twitter: @baluji1 and @InnerVisionOrch;
Insta @balujisitar and @innervisionorchestra;
facebook: www.facebook.com/BalujiMusicFoundation
The Baluji Music Foundation is an arts charity programming and promoting events featuring blind and partially sighted musicians, and advancing access to musical and artistic experiences for blind and partially sighted people. It was founded in 2008 by blind Indian multi-instrumentalist and composer Baluji Shrivastav OBE and Linda Shanson and its showcase project is the Inner Vision Orchestra of professional blind musicians which performs nationally and internationally and has released music on Arc/Naxos. www.baluji music foundation.org. Registered charity number 1130985
Extant is the UK’s leading professional performing arts company that explores visual impairment to create unique and innovative artistic experiences, placing visually impaired people at the centre of all we do: from the productions we create, to the artists we employ or support to build stronger careers in the sector, to the audiences we perform to and the participants we work with.
In our company, visual impairment is celebrated as a rich source of creative engagement that inspires fresh perspectives
Seable Holidays
Seable Holidays is an award-winning social enterprise. Seable’s mission is to provide accessible, tailored, and group holidays to the visually impaired community. Inclusive trips with trained local sighted guides and tailored activities to suit your needs! Happy stress-free holidays.
As a VI traveller, you simply pick a date, a destination, or a group holiday, and we will take care of the rest. We take the time to listen to your ideas and concerns, providing our honest and personal recommendations and experiences. Our experts are ready to craft your perfect holiday, taking all the hard work out of planning an incredible holiday and bringing it to life, adding private, authentic experiences that you will remember for years.
When you travel with Seable, you will receive assistance from the moment you reach the destination until you depart. All Seable’s sighted guides undergo a thorough visual awareness training program and are DBS-certified. Alongside our fantastic guides, all the private activities and excursions offered on our holidays are tailored for VI guests and their sighted family and friends, resulting in a wonderful, stress-free holiday experience.
Middlesex Association for the Blind
From the outset, MAB has always sought to provide specialised services, care and facilities for the visually impaired. The dedication of volunteers and staff keen to support the visually impaired has ensured that the organisation has endured through structural, technological, cultural and societal changes.
Metro Blind Sport is a charity that provides sporting opportunities for blind and visually impaired people in and around London. Established in 1973, we aim to help our growing membership group, from those who want to engage for fun, to those competing on the international stage, in achieving their goals. Our core sports are tennis, bowls, football and cricket but offer opportunities to access many other sporting activities throughout the year. For more info contact info@metroblindsport.org or visit www.metroblindsport.org
Calvert Creative Concepts
Tim Calvert is a consultant and audio producer in access, inclusion and audio description to the arts and entertainment sector through his company Calvert Creative Concepts, with a special insight into providing services for those visually impaired and helping to make content equal for all. For the last 10 years Tim has been an active part of the audio description association and has served as vice chair for the last 4 years where he works to raise the profile of audio description and open up connections with other organisations. Tim also produces the highly successful podcast series ‘A view on access‘ available on Audio boom and www.audiodescription.co.uk/