
We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to you as you explore the world of Eye Matter, a multi-activity peer support and social inclusion charity for anyone over 18 living with a visual impairment that has been making a profound impact on the lives of its members. At Eye Matter, our mission is to create a diverse and inclusive community that fosters personal growth, mutual support, and lasting connections.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is reflected in the variety of outings and activities we offer. From engaging workshops to exciting excursions, there is something here for everyone. Whether you’re seeking personal development, companionship, or simply a sense of belonging, Eye Matter is the place to be.

 Becoming an Eye Matter member is easy and completely free. Simply click on the “Membership Form” tab to get started. By becoming a member, you gain access to a wealth of opportunities to enrich your life and engage with a supportive, caring community.

We look forward to your involvement, your insights, and the positive impact you will undoubtedly contribute to our shared vision.

Welcome to Eye Matter, where we create connections that truly matter.

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3 days ago

A private audio described tour to the Henry Moore Studios and Gardens
On Thursday 5th June
Meet and greet at Stratford Station at 12:50pm
Tickets cost £30 – this covers the train from Stratford to Ware, only paying from zone 6, the minibus from Ware to the Gardens, entrance to the gardens and the return travel to Stratford.

We will be going to Ware in Hertfordshire and catching a minibus to Henry Moore Gardens. There is a café for hot drinks and cake
The schedule:
2pm Arrival & comfort break in the Visitor Centre
2:15pm Tour begins, the group will be split into two
3pm to 3:45pm break for afternoon tea
3:45pm Tour re-commences
4:30 Time for comfort break in the Visitor Centre before departure at 4:45pm
The tour will include some context about the site, house, visit a couple of studios & of course interact with the outdoor sculptures!
Experience Henry Moore’s iconic work in the beautiful Hertfordshire countryside with a visit to the artist’s former home, studios and sculpture gardens.
Sculpture gardens
Visit the gardens where Moore created his world-famous sculptures. Share in the artist’s experience of viewing his work in the landscape ‘in changing light and weather’ and ‘so that near to, and far away it reads as three-dimensional form.’
Please note, we will be visiting different sculptures from last year.
Experience Moore’s network of studios located throughout the gardens – spaces which facilitated a lifetime of creativity. Different studios were used for different activities, from creating small models and enlarging plasters to carving, drawing and printmaking.
The studios provide a glimpse into Moore’s world and bring us as close as possible to his working methods and practices.

Sighted guides will need to have a ticket to cover them from Stratford to Enfield Lock (zone 6)

Click here to read about last years fantastic visit: fb.watch/xxZBBE3P4q/

To book your place email suzie@eyematter.org.uk with subject ‘Henry’
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4 days ago

Welcome to new members joining our Confidence building workshop.

On Saturday, 1st February, 15 Eye Matter members attended this specially designed workshop based in KingsCross. It was led by Steven Reed, who demonstrated his wide experience of sight loss within the arts and education sector, as participants joined in a range of fun confidence boosting games and activities.

Suzie Simons (Eye Matter’s Founder and co-ordinator)said, “Along with our existing fabulous members we were delighted to welcome Five new Eye Matter members. The confidence building was delivered using drama improv games run by Steve Reed, actor and facilitator extraordinaire! The group took part in some brilliant team games, working together, using our listening skills to present fun scenes to each other. This was a great afternoon.”

Cheyenne (one of our new members) enjoyed the session, ”It was my first time attending an Eye Matter event and I really enjoyed it.”

A huge thanks to all our volunteers who supported this event, especially Hayley for the photos.

Eye Matter regularly delivers these sessions both in-person and on Zoom. If you are interested in attending a future event please email us
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Welcome to new members joining our Confidence building workshop.

On Saturday, 1st February, 15 Eye Matter members attended this specially designed workshop based in KingsCross.  It was led by Steven Reed, who  demonstrated his wide experience of sight loss within the arts and education sector, as participants  joined in a range of fun confidence boosting games and activities.
Suzie Simons (Eye Matter’s Founder and co-ordinator)said, “Along with our existing fabulous members we were delighted to welcome Five new Eye Matter members. The confidence building was delivered using drama improv games run by Steve Reed, actor and facilitator extraordinaire!   The group took part in some brilliant team games, working together, using our listening skills to  present  fun scenes to each other.  This was a great afternoon.”

Cheyenne (one of our new members)  enjoyed the session, ”It was my first time attending an Eye Matter event and I really enjoyed it.”

A huge thanks to all our volunteers who supported this event,  especially  Hayley for the photos.

Eye Matter regularly delivers these sessions both in-person and on Zoom.  If you are interested in attending a future event please email us
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